Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Blog

Welcome to my new home...

I've dabbled in blogging since all started with a little blog dedicated to sewing. I met many bloggy friends thru that space and enjoyed having an outlet for my craftiness while finishing my residency. I loved that blog but many things in my life changed in 2009 and I lost my will to be in that just didn't suit me anymore. So after the twins were born in March 2009, I started blogging about my new chapter in life as a mother of twins on a private blog dedicated to them. While I still continue to document their life in that space I found myself wanting an outlet similar to my first blog. So as 2011 begins so does my new, fresh start.

my SEW blessed life seems like the perfect title for my space because my life is SO blessed. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children (twins) who are the little rays of sunshine in my life. I have a fabulous mother, a sweet sister, a sassy niece, incredible in-laws, an amazing job and a house I love to pieces. I am even more blessed because I have a loving earthly father and Heavenly Father both of whom watch over me from heaven. I love sewing, knitting and creating. I love my life.

My goal is to post twice a week on my days off from work - Monday and Thursday. If I post more often - great! I want this to be a space that inspires me (and maybe you) to create and document life along the way. I hope some of my previous readers join me and I really hope to gather a few more bloggy friends who share my same interests - sewing, knitting, family and generally enjoying life.
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